Executive Mayor and Council

Welcome to the official page of the Prince Albert Municipality leadership. Our dedicated team, led by the Executive Mayor, is committed to serving the community with integrity and vision. Discover more about our esteemed council members and their roles in shaping a brighter and more prosperous future for Prince Albert.

Executive Leadership

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Speaker hold pivotal roles within the municipal council.

The Mayor is the first citizen of the town and the executive head of the municipal council. They are responsible for the strategic vision of the municipality, providing leadership and direction to the council. The Mayor represents the town both domestically and internationally, and oversees the efficient delivery of public services to the community.

The Deputy Mayor assists the Mayor in their duties and will often step into the Mayor’s role during their absence or incapacity. The Deputy Mayor might also be given specific responsibilities within the administration, depending on the requirements of the municipality.

The Speaker‘s primary role is to preside over council meetings, ensuring they are conducted in an orderly manner and in accordance with the rules of order. The Speaker is responsible for maintaining decorum, managing debates, and ensuring that all council members have an opportunity to participate. They are also responsible for ensuring that the council acts in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements.

Together, these roles form the core of the leadership of a municipal council, each contributing in unique ways to the functioning and success of the municipality.

Ward Councillors

Ward Councillors are representatives directly elected by the citizens of their specific areas. Their primary role is to be the bridge between the community and the council, ensuring that local concerns, needs, and aspirations are voiced and addressed within the broader municipal framework. They engage directly with residents, hold community meetings, and work to implement local projects that benefit their ward.

Proportional Councillors

Proportionally Elected Councillors represent the overall voter support for their respective parties within the municipality. Instead of representing a specific geographic area, they ensure that the political sentiments and ideologies of their party are well-represented in council decisions. Their role ensures a balanced representation of political views, which contributes to a more holistic and inclusive decision-making process.