
Councillors are the backbone of the municipal council, ensuring that the voices of the community and their representing parties are heard and addressed in the decision-making processes.

Profile photo

Elsabe Maans

Ward Councillor

ANC Logo

African National Congress

Councillors: 1


Ward Councillor responsibilities

  • Represents and advocates for the interests of their ward.

  • Engages with residents to understand their concerns and needs.

  • Attends council meetings and contributes to decision-making.

  • Collaborates with other councillors to implement community projects.

Proportionally Elected Councillor responsibilities

  • Represents the interests of their party within the council.

  • Participates actively in council meetings and decision-making processes.

  • Collaborates with other councillors for the betterment of the community.

  • Engages with the broader community to understand and address their concerns.