Waste Management

Our Waste Management division is responsible for waste collection, area cleaning and waste disposal in the municipal area.

Waste is collected on a weekly basis and each service point is supplied with black bags by the municipality. In order to better manage distribution households are encouraged to collect the bags at the Technical offices. Prince Albert has three waste removal vehicles:  a Kia 2.7l small truck equipped for daily collection of refuse, a 2.7l Kia small truck equipped for garden refuse and a Tractor for the removal of domestic waste in Leeu-Gamka. The waste collection in Klaarstroom and Prince Albert Road is managed from Prince Albert.

There are five existing mini-transfer stations for garden waste disposal in the North End of Prince Albert. These are unlined facilities and, in places, the walls have been broken down. These facilities, which are not designed nor intended for household waste are, unfortunately, being used as general waste depots opposed to garden waste depots, for which it were intended. The residents of North End do not have large gardens and thus generate insignificant volumes of garden refuse. The Municipality uses the CWP program as well as other EPWP programmes to manage the mini-transfer stations. Illegal dumping still proves to be a challenge in some of the areas. Residents are encouraged through the ward committee system to report such transgressions.

All the landfill sites in the municipal area are licensed. The landfill sites are prone to smouldering and the Fire Prevention staffing component closely monitors this on all landfill sites within our boundaries.  Tests done by the Western Cape Government: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning on July 8, 2014 in respect of the landfill site in Prince Albert reflect on the management during the reporting year.    During this inspection no ethane gas was detected.

The private sector via Pick-a-Piece, provides valuable support in waste management as they manage a recycling program in the Prince Albert area.

Contact us with any queries or complaints related to waste management:

Incident Clerk:  Nicole Jantjies

Tel: 023 541 1014
After hours tel: 082 220 0848
Fax: 023 541 1321