Environmental Learning Centre

This might be the greatest game changer with the most long term benefits proposed for Prince Albert municipal area. We believe that it could single handily change the future of Prince Albert for the better. It will influence the mind-set of the town as a whole as well as that of individuals. It has the potential to awake sleeping giants and strategically position Prince Albert and individuals, entrepreneurs with vision as worldly role players.

The Prince Albert Municipality has, with the support of Department of Environmental Affairs constructed an Environmental Education Centre (EEC) that can facilitate the establishment of a Community Learning Centre. This EEC can be our gateway to the world. By equipping it with broadband and ICT Prince Albert can link with learning institutions, universities and FET colleges. Students can get the opportunity, not normally afforded to rural areas, to attend accredited courses at affordable cost.

In other words, without necessitating traveling and accommodation, more people can participate and use their disposable income proactively or effectively, for betterment will be within their reach. If this can happen then social ills will be countered for disposable income expenditure can be directed towards opportunities of betterment instead of leisure. A community learning centre will facilitate partnerships and collaborative networking with reputable institutions, thus opening Prince Albert to the world and the world to Prince Albert. Establishing such will speak to Education, Employment, Innovation, Establishment etc.

With the support of the Office of the Premier Prince Albert Municipality recently opened the 50th Access Centre in the Western Cape in Prince Albert.  Equipped with internet, computers, tables, printers and wifi, it opened up the world to residents of Prince Albert.  Two Access Centres have been established in Prince Albert, one in Klaarstroom and one in Leeu Gamka.

Contact Details

Charlton Jafta (Manager: Community Services)

023 541 1320